In short, you will need to get Primal Legendary items and salvage them at the Blacksmith for 55 Primordial Ashes.

Since these are required to upgrade a Legendary to a Primal Legendary. We have a complete guide to farming Primordial Ashes quickly in Diablo 3 Season 28.

Get More Primordial Ashes in Diablo 3 S28 You will need to do a whole lot of high-level Greater Rift farming to get enough Primordial Ashes. New affixes are rolled for all upgraded Primal Items. There are some caveats, however, as only one upgraded Primal Item may be worn at a time, and upgraded Primal Items do not retain the properties of the Legendary Item that was used.

Since this is a Kanai's Cube recipe, you will need to get the Kanai's Cube, unlocking it for your seasonal character in Diablo 3 Season 28. Upgrade Legendary to Primal in Diablo 3 Season 28: Materials Cost Upgrade any non-crafted Legendary item to Primal Ancient quality. Update on : We've updated this article with new details on upgrading Legendary items to Primal in Diablo 3 Season 28 Rites of Sanctuary.